Friday, June 26, 2009

Conciousness of the body

Have you ever considered yourself from the perspective of your body?You may consider yourself thin,fat,strong,weak,etc.Infact your consideration may be largely based on your physical appearence.That's OK.But dont you want to add another dimension to your viewpoint?Let me put forth what I think.
Your body is your physical manifestation.It is what represents you to the physical universe.Your mind is like a flower blooms on the plant called your body.Your body,in away is the manifestation of your mind.Both your boby and mind speak to each other.Most of the time we are not aware of that.Only when we are in severe pain or sick we become more aware of this connection.
What if you understand what the body communicates to the mind.What benefits will you get?to put it straight across you will feel harmonized and connected to yourself and everyone else.You will discover your virtues.
The first question you have to ask yourself is how am I feeling now.Then usually somewhere you might feel pain or discomfort,just scan your whole body.If your are at comfort which I assume you won't be,just try to comfort it changing your stance until you feel good about it.this is you r first step to being conscious about your body's needs.Practise this many times.Ask yourself this question whenever you can think of it.

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