Friday, June 26, 2009

The baby step towards spiritualism

Spiritualism means actually the union with the Spirit. Spirit can be of the higher order that is what we call God or the Universe.Spirit can also be the lower order or the descendent of the higher order. ' This ' lower order spirit is the creation or manifestation of the higher order and that will be nature,including us,animals,plants etc.So the first step towards spiritualism or spiritual literacy is the communication with our inner self.You may think that the concept of inner self as being over your head but if you have seen a baby you probably don't have to think of it. When you observe a baby,you will feel the call of your inner self.

The first step to commit some moments of your day.Then you make yourself comfortable,away from people and distraction,all by yourself.Now just start by thanking God for what all you have experienced today or so far.The experiences may have been good or bad,all has to be considered.If you don't believe in God then start by thanking yourself for whatever the expieriences you have gone through or are in the process.The main point here is that we have to open up to good and bad situations and accept them.

The moment you start practising this you open up the initial communication channel with you inner self.You will realize this.If at any point you feel the bad moment is unbearable then change your point of view .

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